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Where is Michael Jordan?

Michael Jordan lives in north Carolina.

Who was on University of North Carolina championship team with Michael Jordan?

Michael jordan went to ucla in north carolina

Where is Jordan from?

Michael Jordan is from North Carolina. Michael Jordan is actually born in Brooklyn, New York but grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Where did Michael Jordan attend college?

Michael Jordan went to the University of North Carolina.

What did Michael Jordan do to get into the NBA?

North Carolina

What did Michael Jordan get his college degree in?

Michael Jordan earned his BA in "Cultural Geography" at the University of North Carolina.

What college Michael Jordan go to?

North Carolina

What collrg did Michael Jordan go?

North Carolina

Where did Michael Jordan gratuted from?

he graduated from North Carolina

Where does Michael Jordan live in 2010?

North Carolina

What Is a NC Michael Jordan?

North Carolina, when he was in college

What is Michael Jordan's alma mater?

North Carolina