Sachin Tendulkar is one of the greatest cricket players of all time. His height is 5 feet 5 inch. Although he his short, his achievements are far more than any other player in the history of cricket.
5'5 or 165 m is Sachin Tendulkar's height.
Height and weight of sachin tendulkar is 5'5" and 137lbs respectively.
Sachin Tendulkar's birth name is Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar..
Rajni is mother of Sachin Tendulkar.
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
sachin ramesh tendulkar
Sachin Tendulkar himself
Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar.
Ramesh Tendulkar, father of Sachin Tendulkar is a Marathi novelist.
The name of Sachin Tendulkar's son is Arjun Tendulkar