It doesn't weigh that much. About 5 pounds. Shoulder pads 2 pounds. Thigh 1/2. Plus helmet and other stuff. The helmet is the biggest problem though. But youll get used to it in a couple weeks.
14-15 ounces
2.0010206 pounds, or 2.1
it weighs about 20 30
5 lbs.
You would weigh about 1/6 as much on the moon as you weigh on earth if you were not wearing heavy equipment. I would weigh about 560 ounces on the moon.
i say about 135-250
550 lbs
A football!!
he weighs 330 lbs and plays football
Well this is unconventional since a football doesn't even weigh a pound, but it would be approximately .42 kgs
Old football equipment changed because it was not safe for the players.