NHL player Braden Holtby weighs 203 pounds.
NHL player Braden Holtby is 6'-02''.
Braden Holtby was born in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan on 09-16-89.
Braden Holtby plays for the Washington Capitals.
Braden Holtby plays goalie for the Washington Capitals.
Braden Holtby is number 70 on the Washington Capitals.
NHL player Braden Holtby was born on 09-16-89 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 24 years old.
The population of Holtby is 152.
Robert Holtby died in 2003.
Richard Holtby died in 1640.
Richard Holtby was born in 1553.
John Holtby was born in 1982.