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Q: How much does a professional basketball refree make?
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How much do Amsterdam pro basketball players make?

The salary for an overseas professional basketball player can make anywhere from $1,500 a month to $20,000. It all depends on what division they're in.

How much do professional basketball players get paid in NZ?

Not as much as NBA players

How much does a professional basketball coach earn?

13million a month .

How much does a professional sports player earn yearly?

It depends. But quite a lot. E.g. basketball players make 1 to 4 millions.

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How much does a basketball coach a year?

how much does a Basketball coach make a year?

How much are professional woman basketball players paid?

they are paid 250,000 a game

How much money does a professional basketball player in the US earn?

the average is 10 million a year.

How much more money does a professional basketball player make than a teacher?

An average teacher earns about $70,000 a year. an average athelete makes over 2 million dollars

How much money does a professional basketball player earn in Luxembourg?

The average amount of money that a professional basketball player makes in Denmark is about $5 million. The amount will vary depending on the experience and teams played for.

How much do basketball players make a year?

Basketball players make different salaries. it just depends on how much the coach offers him for the season, and if the player accepts it

How much money does a basketball player make?
