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This depends on the type of pitch. The pitch that decelerates the most is an 'off-speed' pitch or also called a 'change-up'. This pitch is designed to look like a fastball initially but will decelerate significantly to get the batter to swing early. 'Curve balls' can come out of the pitchers hand around 94-96 mph but because of the arc, spin and thrust put into the rotation to make it curve- it can lose up to 6-7 mph by the time it crosses the plate. A pitcher throwing straight heat (96-100mph fast balls) will generally only lose a few mph by the time it reaches the batter at about 93-95mph. Still moving VERY fast considering it can take LESS than 1 second for a ball to travel the 60ft. 6inches from the pitchers mound to home plate!

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Q: How much does a ball decelerate out of a pitchers hand to the plate?
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on it's way as it leaves the hand. It can be a lot less in speed as it crosses the plate. A faster fast ball is easier to hit because it does not change height and direction much which means the hitter should swing into the ball with better contact. The best pitchers are the ones that can throw change ups and curves and when he throws fast balls , he is better if he can spot them just at the edge of the plate.

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.5 seconds

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