The average cheerleader makes between $70-$150 per game. On top of this, there is no compensation for practice time, meaning that all cheerleaders have other jobs used to provide for themselves and their family.
I believe its no more than $100 per home game
Most NFL cheerleaders are paid less than a $100 per game. However, they can easily establish a career in entertainment by being a cheerleader.
Yes, they get paid per performance and appearance.
Thats a good ? but they dont get paid much and im 12 I had to do an research paper on it 4 class and the pro. CHEERLEADERS get paid about $50.00 $ a few games and im a cheerleader my self
Not enough. $75/game and rarely get paid for appearances.
You can say the LAKERS, or the CELTICS.
$50 per game, with options for paid appearances.
they like to cheerlead. and they'd like to get paid for it.
Johnson signed a 1 year contract with the Bengals for the prorated minimum salary. He will earn $255,290 from the Bengals while being paid the remainder of his $4.55 million 2009 salary from the Chiefs.
But I'm a Cheerleader grossed $2,205,627 in the domestic market.
The Bengals have been to two Super Bowls but have not one yet. 0 rings