Terry Francona's birth name is Terry Jon Francona.
Terry Francona goes by Tito.
Terry Francona is 58 years old (birthdate: April 22, 1959).
Terry Francona was born on April 22, 1959.
Terry Francona was born on April 22, 1959.
Terry Francona was born on April 22, 1959 in Aberdeen, South Dakota.
Terry Francona was born April 22, 1959, in Aberdeen, SD, USA.
Terry Francona is the general manager for the Boston Red Sox.
Terry Francona was a professional manager in the MLB. His official fan mail address is; Terry Francona, Relativity Sports, 9242 Beverly Blvd., Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA 90210.
Tucson, AZ
Terry Francona played 62 games for the Cleveland Indians during 1988, his first and only season with the team.