According to Sports Illustrated' Fortunate 50, Durant makes $14 million in endorsements.
230 pounds
230 pounds
A seat on the bench
Premiership players earn an average of 31,000 pounds a week. The best players can receive as much as 250,000 pounds a week.
2010 Kevin Durant's Salary: $4,796,880But he should be earning much more taking into account that he is averaging almost 30ppg. Kevin Durant, the reigning NBA scoring leader, said via Twitter he agreed to a five-year contract extension with Oklahoma City. His spokeswoman said he will receive the maximum deal possible, $85 million over five years.
26,0000 pound a week
I can guss i think someone would pay any where from 65 to 75 dollars
I can guss i think someone would pay any where from 65 to 75 dollars
Well first of all, Kevin Durant is much younger than Kobe, by ten years. Kobe has gotten old, and doesn't have the skill he had when he was young. For example, dunking. Kobe can no longer dunk now that he is older. I believe he had lost skill because of age. If Kevin Durant and Kobe Bryant were the same age, skill could be classified, and I would be able to completely answer your question with statistics, and how they play. Hope this was helpful.
In 2007 he earned around $22 million from on course earnings.