with the nuggets or the knicks? New York Knicks contract for him is a three year contract for 65 million. For three years.
He makes $225,836.28 per game
Its hard to know exactly how much much but at least 15 million a year
Its hard to know exactly how much much but at least 15 million a year
12 million dollars a year
They don't
Carmelo Anthony's brothers and sisters were all much older than him, but i don't know their names.
Carmelo Anthony Rookie cards vary. it depends if it's a auto, jersey, or a refractor. If you want, you can buy a bekett and that would tell you. The regular tops rookie of carmelo Anthony (no chrome or refractor or anything) books for 12 dollars but that is usually at the low end. Duncan King
LeBron James, no exceptions. LeBron has been called the next Michael Jordan since he was 17 years old, only a junior in high school. Dude Carmelo Anthony is the best man LeBron James stinks
I don't think much yet but after he retires it should be worth alot.
To much. Simply to much.