The average professional Major League Baseball player salary is $3,440,000 as of 2012.
As of 2012, the MLB players make $3,340,133 a season.
It depends on the players. Players like A-rod and Jeter make the most...then Joba, and Phil coke won't make as much.
it depends on the quality of the player but generally for a one year contract they would make $25 million to $30 million
According to the MLB Players Association, the MLB average salary in 1990 was $597,537 The highest paid player was Robin Yount of the Brewers at $3,200,000 and the minimum salary was $100,000.
ummm i dont know the year but i kind of sense that it doesnt need to be a rule...
The baseball almanac website provides a list of MLB players by year they retired. They provide a comprehensive breakdown of every retired uniform number in the National League.
85% of MLB Players chew.
Fred lynn
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Depends on the player, good players only spend a year