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Offensive and Defensive coordinators make between 250k-800k. There are a few coordinators making nearly 1million dollars. Position coaches make around 200k (O-line, WRs, RBs, LBs). There are also part time coaches that can make up to 100k a year. They usually coach a very specific thing; such as: Outside Linebackers, Fullbacks, Kicker...

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13y ago
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12y ago

It depends on the expirence of the coach and how strong the Basketball program is.

For example, an assistant coach at William and Mary might make around $50,000 to $60,000 a year while the top assistant coach at Duke could easily make over $200,000 a year!

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10y ago

A graduate assistant football coach has a salary that can vary depending where they live. However, the average is around $47,000 per year.

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13y ago

12000 a year

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