Men tend to be stronger, given that they are heavier (pound for pound women are stronger than men, men just weigh more).
Women rely more on skill, and due to a higher body fat percentage, are better at endurance.
Find a club near you and join their sessions for your age group. To find a club try googling rugby and your country and then the clubs listed. There are two distinct codes. Rugby union and league. Check out both on you tube and see which you would prefer.
Yes, you can become a professional rugby player and make a career out of it
Rugby Union is New Zealand's national sport because the All Blacks are winner's and they make NZ proud.
We need to know what code and country to be able to make a reasonable response
Rugby league is the professional code of rugby football, and Rugby is a town in Warwickshire. with a famous public school where the game developed. The main differences between rugby league football and rugby union football is that the principal rugby league teams are professional athletes instead of amateurs (albeit rugby union has some semi-professionals). The focus is more on running with the ball and scoring tries, instead of set pieces and kicking. There is almost no kicking in rugby league. You only have 5 tackles of passing and then you must kick over to other time. In rugby union you can kick to the corners downfield and you can have as many phases as you like when controlling the ball. There is a lot more kicking in the union game. League is really just passing. In league a try is 4 point while unions try is 5
We need more of a name and perhaps who he plays for to make a response
Very difficult to answer but consider an old adage Rugby is a thugs game played by gentlemen (not being sexist here but gentlefolk didnt seem to make the same impact)
a female makes 39,000 dalllors per year
Originally in the late 1800s the game of Rugby Union was an armature sport where only those who had a good financial background like a rich family could afford to play. When clubs in the north of the England started to loose its players as they moved south to find work started to partition the Union to allow them to pay some wages to the players the Union rejected the concept stating that it was and would remain armature. Those clubs broke away from the union and formed the Rugby League. It made changes to the format of the team and rules and started to pay gate fees to players. It became professional. Following the 1987 rugby world cup the IRB realised that more and more "armature" players were being offered huge sums to move codes and play league. Prior to this any union player found moving to a professional club were sanctioned, in effect banned from coming back to the Union code. The decision to make the Game an open game by the IRB was to change the course of the sport as now players in the former armature game would be paid and could therefore move between codes. It has been universally agreed that as the union game has developed in the passed 23 years that the players at all levels do deserve a form of financial remuneration. Especially when the playing life of a professional rugby player in both codes in less than that of a soccer player. Since the development of the RWC the union has seen huge financial income both from games and the marketing value of the games.
if you picked a girl as your player then 50% chance your starter Pokemon is a female.