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The average cost of a 30 second advertisement during the Super Bowl is $3.5 million. Because most advertisements are around that length, that is also representative of the average cost of an advertisement during the Super Bowl for a company.

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11y ago
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16y ago

According to CNN Money, CBS charged $2.6 million for a 30 second commercial for Super Bowl XLI played in February, 2007.

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10y ago

A 30-second ad in Super Bowl XLVI (2012) cost $3.5 million dollars.

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12y ago

3 Billion to 4 Billion Dollars for every 30seconds in super bowl 2013

$3,000,000 for every 30 seconds

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16y ago

According to, a 30 second commercial in Super Bowl I cost $42,000. Compare that to a 30 second commecial in Super Bowl XLII at a cost of $2,700,000.

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12y ago

super bowl 43 commerical time cost 2.4 mil to 3 mil for 30 seconds of air time so super bowl 44 will properly cost the same if not a little more

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13y ago

A 30-second commercial aired during Super Bowl XLV costs $3 million (in U.S. dollars).

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Budweiser is one of the most prominent companies to advertise during the Super Bowl games. They even created the Bud Bowl to attract viewers.

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Automotive advertising agencies advertise different brands and models of vehicles. Companies will hire them to promote new models of their cars during launch times and peak seasons.

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During Super Bowl XLIII you will see some of the traditional advertisers including Anheuser-Busch (Budweiser), GoDaddy, Pepsi and Doritos. Missing from the lineup this year is veteran FedEX.

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Not a good strategy because in an economic downturn, lots of companies are forced to look at alternatives to save money, etc. Thus, advertising budgets should be increased. Unfortunately, big companies forget to allow their sales staff to advertise and end up spending too money during the 'good years'.

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Advertising was first allowed during TV news broadcasts on July 1, 1941 in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the first TV advertising appeared on September 21, 1955.

Is there a limit on how many shares of a stock you can buy?

Yes & No. Usually during IPOs, a cap on the max number of shares that can be bought by an individual is placed to ensure that, many people participate in an IPO. Otherwise, there is no cap on the number of stocks of a company you can buy. In the secondary market you can buy even all the stocks of a company.

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Yes, advertising is much more than selling. It is a way to warm up the prospect to the idea of buying and aides the sales force in reinforcing product qualities during the sales process. Advertising, when done correctly, can down the road affect purchase decisions and build brand recognition that can last far longer than the sales process in the long term.