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Cheerleading coaches make between 13,000 dollars a year and 33,000 dollars a year. High school cheerleaders make a low stipend of 5 dollars to 3,000 dollars a season.

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10y ago
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14y ago

Coaches are not ppaid hourly, they are paid by stipend

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15y ago

it depends but some volunteer... no more than 90,000 a year!

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Q: How much do all-star cheerleading coaches get paid?
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How much does a cheerleading coach get paid?

about 6000-10000 a year

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they get paid as much as the players win the game.

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Depends on how good they are.

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The club coaches are paid by their clubs, but country coaches are paid by the f.A.

Starting salary for a cheerleading coach?

I get paid 8$ an hour. Plus at my gym coaches get to keep the money we make doing private lessons. But it varies greatly from gym to gym

How much do Universal Cheerleading Association staff members get paid?

Not nearly enough!

How much does a College Cheer Coach make in a year?

It really depends on where you are coaching & how much THEY pay you. Honestly, coaches for cheer do not get paid a lot. If you love cheer, that's what makes you want to coach, not how much money you make. If you are not devoted to coaching, it's definitely not the job for you.

How much are youth basketball coaches paid?

usually, if the youth coach you are talking about is coaching a Y-ball team, the coaches are volenteers:))))

Who gets paid more college basketball coaches or NBA?

NBA coaches get paid more. College coaches only get paid for about 40 games while the NBA coaches have to coach 82 or more games.

What is the average salary of college baseball coaches?

The top coach gets paid around 600k. And most coaches get paid 200-300k and some even less. So not much compared to other sports.

Is cheerleading a job?

Not in the sense of a paid job.

How much do colleges get paid for cheerleading competitions?

Thats a good ? but they dont get paid much and im 12 I had to do an research paper on it 4 class and the pro. CHEERLEADERS get paid about $50.00 $ a few games and im a cheerleader my self