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According to one source, they can't earn less than $48K/year but I wonder how many earn more than that. The salary cap as of this year in the A-League is $2.48 million per club.

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Q: How much do Australian soccer players earn?
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How much money do Australian soccer players earn?

truth be told, socer players are payed a salary

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How much do professional soccer players earn in Dubai?

200k per game

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How much do soccer players get paid?

40 to 30 million pro soccer players

How much do female soccer players earns a week?

The best national players may earn several hundred to a thousand dollars per week, but in general, female soccer players are not very well paid.

How much does a professional soccer player get paid a year?

It really does depend on the players calibare. The better you are as a player and the more known you are to the public the more you earn.

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Depends on how much you play, but usually soccer players BY FAR. (:

How much money does soccer players make?

Soccer players in France make $400,000 per year and American soccer players make $300,000 per year.

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Yes soccer players are paid very highly, it has gone over the roof .

What do Australians play football in?

Australian footballers wear much the same as soccer and rugby players: team guernseys, shorts, club socks and studded football boots.