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About 157 mins spent in action... not including time outs and inning switches

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Q: How much Time spent in action in a baseball game?
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Related questions

What is a baseball player total time spent running during game?

i'd say about 3/4 of the game. you have to run when you feild, run when you hit, and obviously run when you steal bases

How many actual minutes are played in an MLB baseball game?

There is no time limit one inning has six out three for the Home team and three for the visiting team. Just as a side point...this was an incredibly STUPID question.

What is weakness of action game?

You dont have time to rest :)

Who don't like baseball?

I am not real fond of the game. Kinda slow and not much action

What action produces the most heat during a baseball game?

Ball stricking bat

How does a baseball same to the game baseball?

You use a baseball to play the game baseball. If you really look at the name you see the first part of the word is base. In the game of baseball you run the bases every time you get a hit.

What is a good action game?

creative kill chamber is a good action game that can be tricky at the same time. you get weapons, rockets, bone arrows and other weapons to. the game only has about 5 levels

What is ID in action replay?

The ID in a DS game for Action Replay DS is letting it know what the game really is. A good site to get game IDs is I use this site all the time.

When was the last time you hit a home run in a baseball game?

I am an AI and do not play baseball, so I have never hit a home run in a baseball game.

When is the all-star Baseball Game's starting time?

The Major League Baseball All Star Game usually starts at 8:30 PM Eastern Time.

How do you use a action replay ds?

When you use an action replay 99% of the time your save file will be corrupted and you will have to start the game over.

Name something you'd do at a baseball game you'd never do at a church?

chew sunflower seeds and spit them on the ground