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look on Google this website is only people who have no idea on google it is ppl who know what they are doing stupid da!!

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Q: How many years did Alex Ferguson spend as a manager in Man united FC without winning trophies?
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Will arsenal ever win a trophy again?

8 years under Wenger of winning trophies, now almost 8 without. I imagine the next 8 years will be trophy-laden. Have faith!

How many platinum trophies are there for the PS3?

Just find a list of all PS3 games there are and count them. Take away the ones without trophies and the number left is the amount of platinum trophies there are.

Is there a way you can create a new profile on playstation network without losing your trophies you have?

No the Trophies belong to the profile that earned them and do not belong to a new profile that did not exist and could not have earned them.

What is the difference between a manager with reports and a manager without reports?

A manager with reports has people who report to him and take direction from her. A manager without reports does not have any people reporting to him.

How Do you retrieve your trophies from back from the PlayStation Network Store without an Internet connection?

you don't

Is it possible to win the Presidency without winning the Latino vote?

Yes, although it's very risky and not as likely to win without winning the majority of their vote.

Who has participated in the most Super Bowls without winning?

buffalo went 4 times in a row with out winning

What is the weight of a Massey Ferguson 185?

6000lbs or 2721kg without add-ons.

What manager went 26 years managing in the majors without winning a league pennant?

Gene Mauch. Mauch managed the Phillies (1960-1968), Expos (1969-1975), Twins (1976-1980), and Angels (1981-1982 and 1985-1987) without ever winning a pennant. He did win the AL West title twice with the Angels but lost in the ALCS both times, in 1982 to the Brewers and 1986 to the Red Sox.

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The last 16 is when they usually fail

Can you hack into the insomniac museum in ratchet and clank 3?

You can get to it without all trophies, but no you can't hack it unless you know what you are doing

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Julius Boros