A cricket field, or ground , is a roughly elliptical field of flat grass, ranging in size from about 120 to 200 metres (130-220 yards) across, bounded by an obvious fence, rope, or other marker. There is no fixed size or shape for the field, although large deviations from a low-eccentricity ellipse in this size range are discouraged. The edge of the field is called the boundary.
There are 100 yards in a football field because football is based off of Rugby and a rugby field has 100 yards.
u can measure a football pitch a stretch of road or a rugby pitch put a banana in ur ear
A Rugby Ground normally refers to the playing area, changing rooms and any associated ground area. The playing area is called a rugby pitch
rugby pitch
Yards, a pitch = 22 yards
Stadium or on a rugby pitch. The pitch will refer directly to the playing area
No. A rugby pitch is 100 metres minium goal line to goal line and 70 metres maximum touch line to touch line. A football field is 53 yards wide and 100 years long
20 - 15 on the pitch and 5 subs.