Mickey Mantle has 536 career home runs.
Mickey Mantle hit 37 home runs in 1955 for the New York Yankees.
Mickey Mantle hit 23 Homeruns in 1966.
Career statistic: Home runs - 536
Mickey Mantle surpassed Ted Williams in lifetime home runs in September 1968.
Mickey Mantle led the American League in home runs in 4 seasons: 1960 - 40 1958 - 42 1956 - 52 1955 - 37
Mickey Mantle hit 266 home runs at Yankee Stadium I.
It was the 1961 season. Roger Maris finished with 61 home runs and Mickey Mantle had 54 home runs.
See Related Links below for a complete list of Mickey Mantle home runs that includes dates, side of the plate, ptcher, and more.
As of the end of the 2007 season: For a career it is Mickey Mantle with 536 home runs. For a season, it is Mickey Mantle with 54 home runs in 1961.
Mickey Mantle hit 163 right handed and 373 left handed for a total of 536 home runs, ranking him number 16 all-time. However, he hit 18 home runs in the World Series, a record that still stands to this day.