

How many troops did the patriots have?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: How many troops did the patriots have?
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money, supplies, and troops to helped the patriots.

Who was the british general the misjudged the patriots' position on bunker hill and lost many of his troops?

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Who was the British general the misjudged the patriots position on bunker hill and lost many of his troops?

henry knoz

What was one of the patriots' advantages in the revolutionary war?

They fought differently than the British. When the British used military tactics, such as firing lines. The Patriots used Gorilla style tactics. This included hiding and waiting for British troops to pass by. Also the Patriots went after the British Officers, not just the troops. The British mostly just went for the Patriots troops.

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The Patriots attacked first, capturing Montreal from the British.

How many British soldiers died in the bunker hill battle?

About one third of the British troops were killed but the patriots ran out of ammo.

How many british soldiers died in the Battle of Bunker Hill?

About one third of the British troops were killed but the patriots ran out of ammo.

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The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

What were some of the problems that troops faced during the winter at Valley Forge?

The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

What were some of the problems that the troops faced during the winter of valley forge?

The British troops did not suspect anot stack from the patriots.

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They wanted to muster troops for a rebellion