Brian O'Driscoll, 21
how many tries did david campese score in internatinal rugpy
score tries
The offense tries to score points.
It is kind of in the tittle. It tries to keep the nations united. It tries to avoid wars and keep countries in good terms with each other. It also tries to help solve worldwide problems such as diseases.
He scored zero tries against South Africa.
When Brian tries to use the radio to get help in "Hatchet," he hears only static, indicating that the radio is not working properly or that there is no signal. This lack of communication intensifies Brian's feelings of isolation and forces him to rely solely on his own resourcefulness and survival skills.
Joost van der Westhuizen had 38 tries in Test Rugby.
Ireland scored 10 tries in the 2011 Six Nations Championship. They finished in third place behind winners England and second-place France.
Ian smith has scored the most ever tries in 4, 5 and 6 nations. he played between 1924 and 1933. this record remains even though it was set when there were only 4 teams in this championship and it was called the home nations.