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Q: How many transisitors can you put on a chip wafer?
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They put it on a bread wafer because they can show other rebels that they follow the cause, but if they got caught by the Capitol, they can eat it and disguise evidence of being a rebel.

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It is not known what chip, if any, Obama will put in the future as the information provided does not specify the context or purpose of the chip.

Do the American citizens have to put a chip under the skin?

No, American citizens do not have to put a chip under their skin.

How do you put in cheat code in Pokemon Diamond?

you have to download ARP on to a small chip then put it in the bigger chip

Can you create a background in Littlebigplanet?

Sort of. Instead of a background you can put a material in the way which is on wafer thin level

Will be chip longer which was put into sugar solution then chip which was put in water?

The chip placed in the sugar solution will likely be longer due to osmosis. Water will move into the chip causing it to swell, whereas water in the chip placed in water will not have as strong an osmotic effect.

How do you transfer pictures from a camera to 'my pictures' on the computer?

Well, you have to have a chip to save all your pictures on. So you have (on a desktop computer) have to have a drive to put the chip in then put it in the computer. Butt for a Laptop, there might be an insert place to put the chip. So just put it in there.(: - Alexx.

What can you put in tomato sauce?

a chip

When i put the chip in all i get is a red menu?

Try blowing in your DS card slot 1 and your game chip then put it in your DS.

Why did the wafer of your average ice cream sandwich taste different in the 70s than it does now?

No doubt it was real chocolate put in the batter for the wafer back then, and better flour, i would think today it is artificial flavoring as most things are.

How do you eat a chip?

You put it in your mouth and chew it.