The world cup soccer has been held 21 times.
Italy has won the world cup 4 times!!
Italy is the only country that has won the world cup soccer championship four times. However, Brazil has won the tournament five times, with Germany in third place with three titles.
Brazil were the first to win it for a fourth time, and have won it five times. They won it in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. Italy and Germany have won it four times. Italy's fourth win was in 2006 and Germany's fourth win was in 2014.
Actually, there are 5: Italy - 4 times. Germany (including West Germany) - 3 times. France - 1 time. England - 1 time. Spain - 1 time.
They have played each other 34 times and it is called football not 'soccer' thank you.
18 times.
Brazil, Italy Brazil, Italy
Brazil has won the world cup on five diffrent times. Germany has won the world cup three times . And Italy have won the world cup four times.
It led to the rise of fascist regime in Italy and the nazist regime in Germany
The united Germany qualified five times for the world cup.