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Every time it needs a breathe.

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Q: How many times does a dolphin have to come up for air?
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What is different about a dolphin than other marine animals?

A dolphin is actually a mammal, not a fish so dolphins have to come to the surface for air.

How many flips can a dolphin do?

A spinner dolphin can do up to fourteen spins per jump!

Is a dolphin an anphipian?

no dolphins are not amphibious because that means they live on land as well as in the water like a newt. a dolphin breaths air like people do but they have to come up every so often.

How many gills does a dolphin have?

Silly rabbit dolphins don't have fins. They get their oxygen from the air they breathe like you or me.

How does dolphin breadth?

A dolphin breathes through its blowhole. When it goes under water it holds its breath when comes out it lets air out and brings air in

How dos a dolphin breath under water?

It doesn't. Dophins - just as whales - come to the surface to breathe air. Then they can stay underwater for 8 to 10 minutes before they have to come up for air again. For breathing they have a blowhole on the top of their skull.

How do you tell a shark from a dolphin?

Shark are fish and breath water Dolphin are mammals and breath air.

How does dolphin survive in water without gills?

They don't. They come up to the surface to take in air then they hold their breath.

What some differences between dolphins and sharks?

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

What body part does a dolphin breath air?

the air hole on top of their head

Why would dolphins die if they were in deep sleep?

Only one half of a dolphin brain sleeps at a time, the other half stays awake so that the dolphin can continue to come up for air and breathe when necessary. If a dolphin was deeply asleep in both hemispheres of the brain, it might try to breathe while it is underwater, and drown.

Which fish can fly in air and walk on land?
