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Q: How many times can the starting center touch the ball at the start of the game?
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Why wont my friends show up in game center on my I-POD touch?

Either you do not have an account or they do not enjoy going on the game center on their ipod touch.

Where is the sense of touch in a whale's tail?

in the center

How do you reset Nintender DS Trauma Center Under the Knife game?

Hold L, R, Up and Start while powering on the game. If your DS is not setup to automatically start the game you need to hold these buttons while you touch the screen to start the game.

What offensive player is the first to touch the ball?

When the offensive team breaks the huddle and comes up to the line of scrimmage to start the play, the first offensive player to touch the ball is the center. The center snaps the ball to the quarterback and the quarterback will either hand the ball to a running back, throw the ball to a receiver, or run the ball himself.

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What is the center button on a i pod touch?

The home button

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Ipod Touch

Where is the center button on the iPod Touch?

On the bottom-center of the iPod it is a circle with a tiny square in it (the home button).

How do you put game center on your ipod touch?

it comea with the ipod

IPad how do you start it?

Umm... touch it.

When does tv show touch start?

Touch was canceled due to low ratings.

Why would you have a problem starting an 87 Ford Tbird even though your wife can start it easily?

This is a fuel injected vehicle. if you touch the gas pedal to start it you could flood it. Maybe your wife starts it without touching gas pedal.