5 test matches so far.
According to Cricket Archive, Sachin Tendulkar has played in 46 Test matches which India have lost.
Australia have won 339 test matches so far.
Out of 730 Test matches played; Australia has won 341 matches upto July 2011.
Australia has played a total number of 730 Test matches upto July 2011.
61,175 wickets have been taken so far by the bowlers of all the Test-playing Countries till the 1999th Test Match.
83 so far (20-aug-13)
So far Richie McCaw has scored 21 tries for the all blacks in 123 appearances.
As of Wednesday 27th July 2011, Sachin Tendukar has scored 14,738 runs in Test Matches, and 18,111 in One Day Internationals; a Grand Total of 32,849 runs.
He played 664 odi matches. He got 34357 runs internationally.