high school: Lower Merion nba: Lakers Olympic team if you count that
Two:1984-1993 Chicago Bulls he took some "breaks" then 1995-1998 still the Chicago Bulls after that 2001-2003 the Washington Wizards
Every single team in the League.
3 - Jordan, Benetton and Ferrari 4 now including Mercedes
14 years
Twice - 2002 and 2004.
The majority of Michael Jordan's work experience is playing professional basketball. In addition, he has been the spokesperson for many products he has endorsed.
Over 5 million of Jordan shoes have been made. Michael Jordan was the first athlete to reach the one billion US dollar mark.
Michael Jordan has 5 brothers and sisters.
1. Space Jam
Over 5 million of Jordan shoes have been made. Michael Jordan was the first athlete to reach the one billion US dollar mark.
One.. Deloris Jordan
Statistics show that about 15-16.98 people have not heard of Michael Jordan