there is 7 but in the Guinness premiership there are 8 due to the blood gate scandal of 2009
15 plus subs in union 13 plus subs in league
15 plus 5 subs in union and 13 plus 5 subs in league
In union its 15 per side plus subs in league its 13 a side plus subs
15 players plus subs in union and 13 plus subs in league per side
In the Union game there are 15 players perside and 5 subs and in the League code there are 13 players perside and 4 subs
15 each side plus 5 subs allowed for each side 30 on the pitch at anyone time with a total of 10 subs between both teams.
15 plus subs in a union team and 13 plus subs in a league team
In the Union code there are 15 players per side plus 5 subs League is 13 players per side plus subs
there is 22 players in a team. but only 15 play at a time you can roll subs so others can go on
15 a side playing in union plus subs and 13 a side playing plus subs in league
There are 15 players on each side in the Union code and 13 per side in a league team both have substitutes as well
In a union side there are 15 players plus subs on the bench per side. In the league code there are 13 players perside (thry do not use flankers) plus subs.