you take 10 steps before you bounce the ball in an AFL game or about 10 meteres.
no, youll be called for a travel. no matter how you hold the ball, you cannot take three steps.
After catching the basketball in the air, the player has the ability to take two steps. After two steps, the player must stop. He/she may rotate on a pivot foot or may move freely, as long as they stop after catching the basketball in the air.This is assuming that by catch the player catches the ball with 2 hands, as if they control the ball with one hand, they don't have to stop at all.
basketball: you have to bounce the ball while moving apart from the last 2 steps you cant bounce the ball with both hands not allowed to step over the line when taking a freethrow you cant sheperd somebody not allowed to use your elbow to fend off
Basketball was created for a boys gym class when they were bored, so naturally, like everything else at the time, girls weren't allowed. After a while, girls were allowed to play, but in skirts only. Finally, girls today are just as good at basketball as guys.
The difference between basketball and netball is that in basketball you can take more than 2 steps and dribble up the court, but in netball the most amount of steps you can take is 2 and you are put in certain positions. Another difference is that netball is played in thirds and basketball in halves.
While 18 basketball players can fit on a court, only 5 players from each team are allowed on a court at one time, meaning 10 players are on the court at any given moment.
Clothes needed for basketball is some type of uniform and basketball shoes you shouldn't wear baggey clothing while playing basketball.
the player stole the basketball from another player while they were dribbling
In basketball, the defensive position is the stance you are in while guarding an opponent (defense) in basketball.
A helicopter in basketball is a type of dunk a basketball player may attempt.
uhm no!!!!!!!! its called playing basketball! that's what your suppose to do. as long as they don't hit the person while trying to get the basketball then its not even a foul