football, basketball and baseball.
None in football one in baseball
As of 2008, just 1 in 1959.
Pompey, as all the Romans of his time, followed the state religion and also had his personal gods.
Penn State- 9 Championships
Julius Caesar won Pompey in battle When Pompey perceived that all was lost, he fled from the field in a state of the wildest excitement and consternation.
New York, with I believe 45 between baseball basketball football and hockey
The Ohio state Pokemon championships are a minor league Pokemon championships you can also win promo cards
According to Wikipedia there has been 5 state championships
4 Team Championships- 1926 Wrestling, 1961 Men's Cross-Country, and the 2006 and the 2007 Men's college baseball World Series.
Ohio State has 5 solo championships and 2 shared championships that the school considers titles, so they have 7 total.