Only 17... Somalia has the 2nd fewest soccer fields of any country in the world (Swaziland has only 3)
There are many soccer fields in France
One can find soccer fields for sale from websites like Ali Baba, My AAE World, Map Quest, Altoon A Mirror, World Soccer Shop, Land and Farm and Soccer Field Pro.
Its impossible to tell. there are possibly millions dude.
There is about 120 different ones.
An average football ground is approx 73460 sq feet. 40 hectares is 4.30556e6 sq feet which means 58.6 or about 60 football fields would fit in.
Yes, soccer stadiums can vary from 100-120 yards long, to 50-100 yards wide!
Officially 206 countries play competitive soccer in the world
How Soccer Explains the World has 272 pages.