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Wales have won 1 six nation Grand slam - this includes a triple crown as well of course since Italy joined the tournament.

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Q: How many six nations have Wales won?
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Did Wales win the six nations 2013?

Yes, in 2013 Wales won the Six Nations for the 26th time.

How many times as Italy beaten wales in the six nations?

They have played Wales on 18 occasions and won on 2, drawn on 1

When did welsh rugby team won the games?

Wales won the Six Nations Championship in 2012 with a Grand Slam. This means that Wales won all 5 of their games.

How many times has wales won the six nations?

they have won 3 times since the 5 nations changed to the 6 nations

When did Wales last beat England?

Since the Six Nations Rugby Championship came into being in 2000, Wales have won it twice - in 2005 and 2008. Both times they won it with a 'Grand Slam', which means they were unbeaten in all five of their matches.

How many six nations have France won?

France have won 4 times under the banner of THE SIX NATIONS, but please remember that prior to this was the 5 Nations

Who won 6 nations?

Wales were the winners of the 2008 Six Nations Championship. They were unbeaten in all their matches, so they achieved a 'Grand Slam'.

Who won the six nations?

As the tournament was the 5 nations prior to this the actual first 6 nations winner was England in the year 2000. Scotland hold the title of the winner of the last 5 nations tournament.

What six teams are in the six nations this year?

The 2011 Six Nations Championship was won by England. It was their first Six Nations Championship title since 2003. England won 4 of their 5 Six Nations matches in 2011, only losing to Ireland on the final weekend.

Who won six nations 2009?

Ireland won the 2009 six nations championship



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