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The serve is won either depending on tossing a coin or scoring a point. Unless it is beginning of start, the team must rotate before the next player can serve, typically the one last shifted in from the substitutes. The player in turn may serve 4 consecutive times if the opposing team doesn't score. Thereafter a new shift must be done with the next player in turn to serve. Any points scored after a missing shift are deleted and the opposite team gets the right to serve. The scoring doesn't depend on which side has hit the serve, each ball gives a point to one team.

There are two basic serve techniques - Underhand and Overhand Serve. This refers to whether the player strikes the ball from below, at waist level, or first tosses the ball in the air and then hits it above shoulder level. Underhand serve is considered very easy to receive and is rarely employed in high-level competitions.

In Volley 2000 the underhand serve is allowed even from the 3 m line.

Famous serve variations:

  • Sky Ball Serve: a specific type of underhand serve occasionally used in beach volleyball, where the ball is hit so high it comes down almost in a straight line. This serve was invented and employed almost exclusively by the Brazilian team in the early 1980s and is now considered outdated. In Brazil, this serve is called Jornada nas Estrelas (Star Trek).
  • Line and Cross-Court Serve: refers to whether the ball flies in a straight trajectory parallel to the side lines, or crosses through the court in an angle.
  • Top Spin: an overhand serve where the ball gains topspin through wrist snapping. This spin causes the ball to drop faster than it appears to a passer receiving it.
  • Floater: an overhand serve where the ball is hit with no spin so that its path becomes unpredictable. This type of serve can be administered while jumping or standing. This is akin to a knuckleball in baseball.
  • Jump Serve: an overhand serve where the ball is first tossed high in the air, then the player makes a timed approach and jumps to make contact with the ball. There is usually much topspin imparted on the ball. This is the most popular serve amongst college and professional teams.
  • Jump Float: This is a serve like the jump serve and the floater. The ball is tossed lower than a topspin jump serve, but contact is still made while in the air. This serve is becoming more popular amongst college and professional players because it has a certain unpredictability in its flight pattern.
  • Round-House Serve: the player stands with one shoulder facing the net, tosses the ball high and hits it with a fast circular movement of the arm. The ball is hit with the palm of the hand, creating a lot of topspin.
  • Hybrid Serve: An overhand serve delivered similarly to a top spin serve; however, it has more pace than a floater, but has a similar unpredictable path.
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12y ago
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12y ago

Generally speaking, in the game of volleyball, the server is permitted to serve if their team receives the point. If the server does not serve the ball inside the court or over the net, the opposing team receives the point and serve. If the server's team keeps winning points, the same server will continue to serve the ball.

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15y ago

You get 2 serves per point. If the first on goes out you get another and if that one goes out you loose the point

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13y ago

1 unless you score the following point, if not the opposite person serves.

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14y ago

there are no counting how many there could be but at the most for one team is 25.

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