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today the silverdome,located in Pontiac Michigan.can and is only willing to seat 80,311 people.ever since the silverdome reopened in 2010.the silverdome today is only willing to seat 80,311 people.there will never be another Wrestlemania 3 ever again.

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15y ago

During a football game: 64,111
During a Baseball game: 46,564 (expandable to 55,883)
During a Basketball game: 50,000

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13y ago

The Metrodome has a seating capacity of 64,111.

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It has about 70,000 seats.

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6 people

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Q: How many seats does the Metrodome have?
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What are the seats like at the Metrodome in Minneapolis?

The metrodome's seats are metal (i think). no cushion or anything, with cup holders on the arm rests.

How many people does the metro dome hold?

Approximately 48,678 blue seats circle the entire stadium for baseball. Making up the right field wall of the Metrodome are 7,600 retractable seats which allow for the conversion from baseball to football.

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if you are talking about the height of the MetroDome it is about 195 FT. tall that's about 16 stories

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