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Q: How many rules in baseball?
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How many rules are there in baseball?


How many rules are in Major League Baseball?


How have the rules for baseball ch anged?

many baseball rules have changed over the years. this includes new rules such as no steroids in baseball and rule changes (atone time it was 7 ball for a walk not 4)

How many rules are in baseball?

There are 10 rules in the official MLB rule book, but each rule has many sub-sections, so there are several hundred actual rules.

Where can you find information or video on baseball rules?

Go on line to and search for rules, or google baseball rules.

How many rules are there in the Major League Baseball?

Just like any sport there is A LOT of rules and revisions that have been made to the game.

What are the rules of baseball?

don't cheat and that's all the rules

What are the minor rules of baseball?

don't cheat and that's all the rules

How were the rules decided in baseball?

the Knickerbocker Club came up with the rules of it

What year did The Knickerbocker Club came up with the rules of baseball?

1845 is when the Knickerbockers made the baseball rules. Hope that helped (:

How were the rules of baseball formed?

the rules were decided when all the fans yelled out what they wanted it to be.

What do you call the baseball official who rules on plays?

The umpire is the person that rules on plays.