Points are not given for a Touchback. I believe you are confusing this with a Safety, where two points are awarded to the defense.
In the CFL, a rouge is worth 1 point and is the equivalent of a touchback in the NFL. No points are awarded for an NFL touchback.
Safety and Touchback are not "positions", they are the results of a play, and they do have opposite definitions at this time. A Safety is scored when the offense is tackled in the endzone and awards the defense two points, and the ball. A touchback is declared when the defense takes possesion of the ball (by interception, fumble recovery, punt, or kickoff) in their own endzone and elects not to try to return the ball upfield. A touchback awards the ball to the receiving team at their own 20 yard line. Own in football describes the side of the field the team is defending. You score points in the opponents endzone.
No, not on a kick-off, you can only get points on a field goal or a PAT. Play restarts with a touchback, the same as if it had gone ppast the endline any other way.
A touchback is say theres a game going on. Patriots Vs. Steelers. The Steelers are punting it away to the Patriots. The Patriots catch the ball and kneel down in there end zone. Now they get the ball on the 20 yard line. That's what a touchback is in Football.
Two points, from what i heard
3 Points
A touchdown in highschool football is worth 6 points.
It's three points.
2 points
No. Well, sure you CAN... but the net result would be a touchback for the other team, not a score.