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Q: How many points do you need to become a guard?
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How many points in your leaving cert do you need to become a Guard?


How many guard points do you need for a good year?

How many security guard classes do I need to become a securty guard?

You need a total of 100 hours of traning and classes to become a securty guard.

How many air national guard points do you need to have a good year?

50 points or more.

How many leaving certificate points do you need to become a midwife in Ireland?

i thjink you will need 500 points

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How many points do you need to become a mechanic?

To have some common sesne

How many points do you need to become a music teacher?

about 375 points you can also look it up on google

How many points do you need to get to become a hairdresser?

Points? You can't get some "points" then become a hair dresser. You can look online to see how many hours you need as far as your state is concerned. In Arizona you need 1600 hours, other states are less, more or the same. Depends on where you live.

How many points do you need to become a physical education teacher in secondary schools?

54325345 points. You're welcome.

How many points in your leaving do you need to become a music teacher in Ireland?

About 375