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Q: How many players relay team consists of?
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What is required number of players for a relay race?

An olympic relay team usually consists of four people per team.

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How many players are there in kho kho?

Each team consists of twelve players, but only nine players take the field for a contest.

How many people are on a shinty team?

A shinty team typically consists of 12 players on the field at a time.

How many people play on a regulation softball team?

9 players out on the field but a team usually consists of more players for back-ups and designated batters/fielders.

How many people are in a relay team?

A relay team typically consists of four people who take turns running a predetermined distance before passing a baton to the next runner.

How many people in a rugby uniuon team?

A team consists of 15 starting a match with 7 reserves. Total 23 players

How many people in a rugby league?

Each team consists of 13 players plus 4 substitutes.

How many players swimming?

swimming doesn't have a specific number of players, but a relay team normally has 4, and in a race there is usuall 6 or 8 basically, the number of players is how many you can fit in the pool

What is the difference between squad and team?

Squad means a group of players from which a team is choosen.So, a team consists of selected players choosen from the squad.

How many people in athletics relay?

A relay team in athletics typically consists of four people who take turns running a specified distance, passing a baton between them. So, there are usually four people in an athletics relay team.

How many players are on a typical scholastic bowl team?

Traditionally a scholastic bowl team consists of four players. However, alternates are allowed, and players can be swapped at a half point in the bowl, or between games; bringing the total number of players to eight.