11 players
In American football there are 11 players on defense as well as offense.
22- 11 offense 11 defense
There are 22 players of a field at a time, 11 offense and 11 defense.
Eleven (11) on each side.
11 on defense 11 on offense
22: 11 on offense and 11 on defense
There are 22 players on the field at all time 11 on offense and 11 on defense
The offense and the defense can each have 11 players on the field. If they have 12 ormore players on the field when the ball is snapped they are penalized.
22 players are allowed on the field for a play, 11 on offense, 11 on defense.
American football has 11 plyers on offense and 11 on defense. You may play with as few as 8 but no fewer.
The offense and defense are allowed a maximum of 11 players each.