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In Ice Hockey there are six people per team on the ice at a time, including the goalie, and usually 17 players on the bench: 9 forwards, 6 defencemen, and two goalies

In Field Hockey there are 11 per team.

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13y ago
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15y ago

In the National Hockey League, 20 players are allowed to dress for a game and 23 are allowed on the 'active roster'.

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14y ago

There must be seven players in hockey team while playing a match.

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16y ago

4 lines of 3 forwards for both of the coferences (eastern and western) 3 defensive pairings for each conference and 3 goalies for each which would be 21 per conference or 42 total

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15y ago

Every team gets to put 5 players and a goalie on the ice at one time which means there are 10 players and 2 goalies on the ice. Each team has about 20 players and 2 goalies on their roster.

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14y ago

Olympic rosters are allowed 23 players to be listed officially.

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14y ago

On a full NHL bench there are 20 players (18 skaters and 2 goalies). Other leagues usually follow this number as well.

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