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He threw 4 interceptions in 2010

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Q: How many pics does Tom Brady have this season?
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How many pics did Tom Brady throw?

In his first 12 seasons (11 as starter) Tom Brady has thrown 115 interceptions

How many passing touchdowns does Tom Brady have?

Tom Brady ended the 2007 season with 50 touchdown passes.

How many interceptions did Tom Brady throw in the 2011 season?

Tom Brady threw 12 interceptions during the 2011 regular season.

How many passing yards did Tom Brady have for 2011?

Tom Brady passed for 5,235 yards for the 2011 season.

How many times was Tom Brady sacked in 2006?

Tom Brady was sacked 26 times in the 2006 season

How many yards does Tom Brady have this season?

4,273 yards

What yeard did Tom Brady get hurt?

Tom Brady was hurt during the 2008 season and was out for the entire season

How many passing yards does Tom Brady have this season?

4,273 yards

How many touch downs has Tom Brady throw in the season?


How much will a picture of Tom Brady cost?

You can download a picture of Tom Brady from the internet for free. Check the Patriots website, they have tons of pics that can be downloaded.

How many interceptions has Tom Brady thrown in the 2007 season?

He threw 8 in the regular season.

What is Tom Brady work Experience?

This coming season will be Tom Brady's ninth year in the NFL.