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22, eleven per team (10 field players and the goalkeeper).

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

If its outdoor soccer 11 people including the goalie. If its indoor its 6 people including the goalie.

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Q: How many people play in a soccer game?
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How many people play a side in a game of soccer?

11 a side.

How many people play on a soccer game?

11 on each side.

Is soccer a winter game?

Soccer is usually a winter game, but people like to play it all year around.

How many play on the field for a soccer game?

it has 11players

How many people play in us soccer?


In a game of soccer how many players play?

11 players

How many people play on the field in soccer?

there are 22 in all. on the field for each team there are 11 people.

How many girls play on the field during a U9 soccer game?

The usual number of girls that play on the field during a U9 soccer game is 6 players.

How many people play soccer in Kenya?

30 people

What did the 1800 soccer players put on for a soccer game?

They did what we do know, play in front of people and try to get the ball in the goal.

Do people in Mexico play soccer for fun?

Many people play soccer for fun in many countries, including Mexico. Sport isn't just about money.

How many people play soccer worldwide What percentage is that compared to how many people play in the US?
