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1 - Chuck Hughs, Detroit Lions 71 or 72 of a heart attack

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Q: How many on field deaths in NFL?
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How many refs on NFL field?

there are six refs in a NFL football game

How many points do you get in a field goal in the NFL?


How many nfl players are on the field when playing?


How many field goals get blocked?

About the same as in the NFL.

IS the width bigger on a NFL field or a high school football field?

They are the same between the lines, but many NFL fields extend well beyond the sidelines

How many players in NFL are allowed on field for single play?


How many player NFL are on the field?

Eleven maximum for each side.

How wide is an NFL field?

The official width of an NFL football field is 160 feet.

How many players on the nfl field at one time?

22 (11 from both teams).

How many field goal kickers are there in the NFL hall of fame?

their are as many as the ones who kick the kick offs and punts

How many yards from the line of scrimmage is needed to kick a field goal in the NFL?


How many NFL teams were there in 2001?

31 teams. The Houston Texans took to the field in 2002.