Seven. The referee, umpire, head linesman, line judge, field judge, side judge, and back judge. Click on the 'NFL Officials' link below to read about the duties of each official on the field during an NFL game.
One. The referee.
3 additional officials are on the sidelines, two assistant referees and one fourth official.
There are seven officials on the field during a football game.
There is 1 referee and 6 other officials on the field at one time.
there are 7 officials on a football field. i Love JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!♥
One official on the field. 3 other officials are along the touch line.
There is one referee and six other officials on the field during an NFL game. Click on the 'NFL Officials' link on this page to see the duties of each official on the field and what equipment they use during the game.
There are a total of 29 people on the field during a NFL Football game. Offense: 11 Defense: 11 Officials: 7
if you're talking about football (not American football) then there are 2 teams 11 players each |+ 3 or 5 referees
There are seven on field officials in an American football game: referee, umpire, head linesman, line judge, side judge, field judge, back judge. Click on the 'NFL Officials' link on this page to read about the duties that each official has during a game.