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Through September 4, 2010, 15:

1) Hank Aaron - 755 HRs, .305 BA

2) Babe Ruth - 714 HRs, .342 BA

3) Willie Mays - 660 HRs, .302 BA

4) Alex Rodriguez - 604 HRs, .303 BA

5) Manny Ramirez - 554 HRs, .313 BA

6) Jimmie Foxx - 534 HRs, .325 BA

7) Frank Thomas - 521 HRs, .301 BA

8) Ted Williams - 521 HRs, .344 BA

9) Mel Ott - 511 HRs, .304 BA

10) Lou Gehrig - 493 HRs, .340 BA

11) Stan Musial - 475 HRs, .331 BA

12) Chipper Jones - 436 HRs, .306 BA

13) Vladimir Guerrero - 432 HRs, .320 BA

14) Mike Piazza - 427 HRs, .308 BA

15) Albert Pujols - 401 HRs, .332 BA

16) MIguel Cabrera - 401 HRs .320 BA (only his stats updated as of June 3rd, 2015)

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Willie Mays

Hank Aaron

Eddie Murray

Rafael Palmeiro also achieved this feat, and emphatically denied, under oath, that he had ever used steroids -- five months before he was suspended for the presence of steroids in his body. He has never publicly explained how this might have happened, simply stating that he has never "knowingly" used steroids.

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