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Q: How many nba finals did dr J play in?
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What NBA play went by the nickname Dr?

Julius Irving Better known as "Dr. J".

How many NBA rings do dr j have?

Julius Erving won his only NBA championship with the Philadelphia 76ers in 1983.

How many championships did dr jay win?

Julius "Dr. J" Erving won two ABA championships in 1974 and 1976. He won one NBA championship in 1983.

What was the greatest move in an NBA game?

The greatest move in an NBA game really depends on what you consider as great. Some people prefer the big throw-down dunks over shot blockers while others prefer major cross-overs that school the other player. I think it could be Julius "Dr. J" Erving's behind the back-board, under hand scoop against the Lakers during the 1980 NBA finals.

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The inventor of basketball was Dr. James Naismith.

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Dr- Phil - 2002 NBA Player's Battle with Anxiety Lands Him on the Bench was released on: USA: 28 February 2013

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Darrell Griffith former basketball player.

Why is dr j wearing 4 rings in his new commercial?

He won three in the ABA and one in the NBA

How many people can dunk from the free throw line?

Dr. J Michael Jordan John Barry Serge Ibaka

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NBA the doctor?

"The Doctor" was Julius Erving's nick name. Another nick name for him was Dr. J

Where was the NBA founded and by whom?

The sport of Basketball was founded in Springfield, Massachetusetts by Dr. James Naismith in 1891.