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It all depends on what distances you are doing. A 500m, you want to have lots of explosive power, that only has to last 50 seconds right. If your that type of racer you want to be running wind-sprints, running stairs, and all other exercises you can thi sof that would give you more eplosive power. But if you are the long distance type, say for a 1500m or 3000m, you want to have that explosive power, but not foucing on that component so much, rather you sould be doing like 5Km runs, and training for those longer races. You want to have strong Quads for all distances, a Strong Butt helps too. For Long Track you might also want calfs that can propell you forwars as you toe off with the clap-skate. MAy i just add that a great, but painfull exercise that will take you miles ion alost everything physical you do, is to do crunches. I know we all hate them, but it's for the better :) Good luck to all you speed skaters out there :)

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What is the proper definition of the word skating?

Though there are many different types of skating, such as ice skating and roller skating, the process consists of rolling or sliding on a hard surface or ice using wheeled or bladed shoes.

Which muscles are most likely to be exposed to a lot of stress when skating?

Leg and Back

Which muscles are most likely to be exposed to a lot of thress when skating?

You use mostly your leg muscles and your abs. It all depends on what trick your doing.

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the similarities between speed skating and figure skating is that 1- they have to do forward crossovers when turning 2- they use ice skates 3- they have to know the basics of ice skating 4- they are capable of going to the olympics

Is ice skating a exercise?

It is definitly an exercise, for your abs and your feet muscles. Sincerely, Sasha Cohen

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Skating has two syllables.

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there are 23 skating grinds

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Their are 4 rounds in pair skating or in any type of skating.

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Chorus Skating has 344 pages.

Which is a better work-out- roller skating or ice skating?

in ice skating, you can burn more calories in the cold but in roller skating there's so many things you can do

Why is speed skating importanat?

BEcause many people participate in it... Many people make their lives by skating.