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Injury time is up to two minutes, usually.

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Q: How many minutes in netball do you get to get off the court when you are hurt?
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How many players are on the court for a netball team?


How many thirds are marked on netball court?


How many tranverse lines are on the netball court?


How many squares on a netball court?

A normal netball court should be split into three squares/parts. Of course, there might be the odd exception where the court has more or less than three squares. Also, the thirds in a netball court aren't always exact squares, but they are sometimes.

How many positions are there on a netball court?

7 for each team.

How many thirds of the court is the centre allowed in netball?


How many players in a netball squad?

There are 7 netball players on court at a time but there is also the coach, subs, manger and other helpers

How many playing areas are there in netball?

there is the sentre circle, cenre third, 2xgoal thirds and 2x semicircles and off courts but i dont think that counts

How many players in compettive netball?

In netball one team has 7 players so in a full game of netball there are always 14 people on court and usually 2 subs for each team.

In netball how many people arn't on the court?

it depends on how many are on the team. you can have up to 12 people on a team but only 7 people on court.

How many players are needed on the court to play netball?

There are 7 positions on court, but you can have a minimum of 5 players on court, one of which must play Centre.

Including referees how many people are on a netball pitch in a game?

On a netball court there are 7 people on each team, which means fourteen players are on court.There is the goal shoot,goal attack,goal defence,goal keep,centre,wing attack and wing defence. On a netball court there are fourteen players, then there are the referees: there are usually 2 of them. So all together there are 16 people on the court