There are usually 45 minutes in the first half, not counting any stoppage time the referee decides to add on to it.
There are 2 halves in a game of football. Each half is 45 minutes long
45 minutes is half of a international football/soccer game ...
The same as any other: 90 minutes in regular matches.
90 minutes divided in two parts of 45 minutes each .
normally 1 hour 15 Minutes each quarter. time gets stopped for injuries
In professional soccer, 90 minutes plus a half time break. Each half is 45 minutes.In high school soccer, each half is 40 minutes in length.
it's 45 minutes for each half.
Soccer is played in two halves, not four quarters. Each half of the game is 45 minutes. So a quarter of a game would be 22 minutes and 30 seconds. There would also be time added for injuries, stoppages etc, usually just a few minutes at the end of each half.
soccer games are played in halves of 45 minutes each.
45 minutes each half, there are injury time minutes added on at the end of each half. The accepted length of a game is 90 minutes (not including the injury time)
The game is played in 2 halves of 45 minutes which can be longer depending on stoppage time which is 5 minutes maximum